Anything but spare change

One of the best things about getting older is to see the younger generation doing well.

Unspun has a great sense of satisfaction and pride when two of his colleagues with Maverick roots win the Nokia Online Activism Award at Pesta Blogger 2009 yesterday for  starting the Coin-a-Chance movement.

PT Nokia Indonesia diwakili panitia Pesta Blogger 2009, Enda Nasution (kiri), menyerahkan Nokia Online Activism Award kepada Hanny Kusumawati dan Nia Sadjarwo (berdua tengah), pencetus situs Coin a Chance! pada Pesta Blogger 2009 di Gedung SMESCO, Jakarta (24/10)

The idea started small, in between Hanny Kusumawati‘s and Nia’s many other activities at work and mixing with the online community. It was a simple one – asking everyone to donate their small change to make a difference to the lives of people where a small sum of money may matter.

It asked so little of people that it became popular and soon Hanny and Nia were being invited by many groups who wanted to be part of the movement.

They, often with the help of their Maverick colleagues, began Coin a Chance counting sessions, where they would count the coins that groups of people have placed in glass jars for the cause. It was hard work but they were all fired with a passion and made it all seem look like it was all fun.

Now, with this recognition, the Coin-a-Chance movement will very likely grow even more.

Kudos to Hanny and Nia and Unspun wuld like to think that Maverick had a hand in being a hothouse where their ideas incubated and eventually took flight.

Congrats Hanny and Nia. We’re all proud of you!

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Coin A Chance! Raih Nokia Online Activism Award
Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009 | 20:52 WIB

JAKARTA, – Bersamaan dengan digelarnya Pesta Blogger 2009, Sabtu (24/10), PT Nokia Indonesia memberikan penghargaan kepada blogger yang menggunakan sarana online untuk aktivitas peduli sosial.

“Ini merupakan apreasi untuk para blogger yang memiliki kegiatan mulia untuk membantu sesamanya demi menciptakan kehidupan Indonesia yang lebih baik,” kata Portfolio Investment & Online Marketing Manager PT Nokia Indonesia, Ivan Hudyana.
Penyerahan penghargaan diberikan kepada Hanny Kusumawati dan Nia Sadjarwo selaku pencetus situs Coin A Chance! ( Situs ini merupakan media yang mengajak semua orang agar mau menyumbangkan uang koin mereka untuk membantu anak-anak kurang mampu agar dapat melanjutkan sekolah.
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