Remembered with fondness and respect: Hoegeng

This is the second time in two weeks that Unspun’s heard of the legendary Hoegeng, the chief of police who was so much of a straight shooter that he was removed from office by Suharto.

The first time Unspun heard of Hoegeng was from an old-time Jakarta resident. Speaking of corruption he told me about how Hoegeng was so honest that Suharto had to remove him.

He also told a story about how vindictive the New Order administration was. When Hoegeng’s son applied for a business permit he was refused because of his name. A friendly official told him that if he wanted his permit approved he should change or abbreviate his name.

Like his father he had integrity and refused. As a result he had great difficulty getting a permit.

The straight arrows of today may face a difficult life but people remember them and with affection and admiration. Surely it means more to Hoegeng’s family if the patriarch is remembered with respect rather than contempt?

Contrast that with the Police’s top brass today. How many of them are living in styles not commensurate with their pay checks? How can they hold their heads high when meeting anyone?

What’s more intriguing is how will their children cope? What would you do if one day you realized that your luxurious life, the cars that the family has, the Richard Mille watch your dad wears, the money he spent on your education all came from corruption?

What do you do then?


Posted by iman under: HUKUM & ETIKA; TOKOH .


Suatu hari di bulan September 1971, setelah Hoegeng Iman Santoso dicopot sebagai Kapolri oleh Presiden Soeharto. Ia mengembalikan semua barang barang inventaris milik dinas termasuk peralatan radio dan mobil.

Jend Pol. M Hassan yang menggantikannya menemuinya.

“ Kamu kok gila gilan, semua barang kamu kembalikan ? “.

“ Habis khan bukan punya saya “ Jawabnya.

Hoegeng juga mengatakan kalau ia naik bis kota saja untuk kemana mana. Sang Kapolri pengganti tak sampai hati, sehingga memaksa untuk meminjamkan mobil kepadanya.

Ini memang bukan cerita khayal tentang integritas seorang pejabat publik di Indonesia, bahwa di negeri ini pernah ada orang mengangkat kejujuran di atas segala galanya.

Jauh sebelumnya, ketika masih menjabat sebagai Kepala Jawatan Imigrasi – sekarang Dirjen – Hoegeng pernah mengusir seorang pengusaha asal Aceh kesayangan Bung Karno. Waktu itu pengusaha besar itu meminta paspor diplomatik, dengan iming iming akan memberi uang jatah bulanan kepada Hoegeng.

Kelak, dalam sebuah pertemuan di Istana, si pengusaha itu berusaha memberi impresi kepada Hoegeng bahwa ia dekat dengan Bung Karno. Tapi Hoegeng tak perduli, ia langsung mengatakan di depan presiden bahwa, orang itu hendak menyogoknya. Serta merta, Bung Karno memarahi habis habisan di depan Hoegeng.

via Iman Brotoseno » Hoegeng.

5 thoughts on “Remembered with fondness and respect: Hoegeng

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  1. Usually if a person does not get a piece of cake in any certain way, they will always try to write anything under the sky of their wish to smear the image of the original persons be it contempt or not corrupt. In this world, people are just mere jealous and envious of another’s success & wealth albeit in anything that you can mention but definitely not BUYING THEIR MOUTHS.. will see me blog in my next in my blog soon..

    Just that I stumbled upon yours.. may it be my comment in my blurring English…!


  2. sigh! i guess over here in malaysia there are plenty of polices that made a living from corruption. from the lowest rank to the highest government parties, too many stories to be told. and i do agree with you, what will their children think, the family, the friends?

    if my daddy lives off corruption, i will be ashamed.


  3. There are many stories in Indonesia of outstanding people who lost a lot due to their honesty and unwavering principles in the face of corruption, nepotism, and collusion. Hoegeng is lucky, in the fact that his story did finally come out…


  4. There’s an old joke that says:
    In Indonesia there are two good policemen, the first is ‘polisi Hoegeng’, and the second is ‘polisi tidur’ (a road bump made to slowdown vehicles)


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