The Kanjuruhan football tragedy and the government’s miscommunication

Things happen and they do so not in black and white. There are reasons and counter reasons as to why things happen that will be unveiled only by time and careful investigations. Some things can be disputed. Were police and military provoked into using force by rowdy football fans? There was certainly some provocation, if... Continue Reading →

Tone deaf, in a very black and white way

Comments that in most societies would leave the audience aghast get a laugh and applause in Indonesia. Even when a member of the audience is the President of Indonesia himself. PDIP Matriach Megawati, when addressing her party’s convention first took issue with Tukang Bakso (meatball vendors). She said she told her daughter Puan not to... Continue Reading →

Who can speak for the G20 spokesperson?

What qualities, skills and experience do you need to be an effective spokesperson? For chair of the G20 Summit Indonesia all that's needed to become the spokesperson for this prestigious event is evidently looks, youth, pop iconicity and privileged education. Credit: Facebook The appointee, 27-year old Maudy Ayunda has a plenty in the looks department... Continue Reading →

Was Naomi Osaka professional in not wanting to take press conferences?

As someone who trains the C-Suite on Media Handling Skills, what we in the PR profession sometimes shorten to Media Training, I can empathise with Naomi Osaka for not wanting to speak with journalists after her matches. At the same time I cannot but help wonder if Osaka was professional in citing mental health as... Continue Reading →

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