Judge with cojones

Indonesia is full of surprises. Many think that the judiciary is corrupt and not good for anything. Then the judges surprise them with an excellent ruling.This judge in this Playboy magazine case deserves praise.

Although it was obvious from the start the Playboy Indonesia is anything but pornographic it takes guts for a judge in Indonesia to stand up against the religious extremists and stand by their convictions.

Long live cojones!

clipped from thejakartapost.com
‘Playboy’ editor cleared by court
The Jakarta Post, JakartaThe South Jakarta District Court ruled Thursday that the chief editor of Playboy Indonesia had not violated indecency laws in publishing the magazine.

Presiding judge Efran Basuning said that photographs presented as evidence during the trial of editor Erwin Arnada could not be categorized as pornography.

He said the prosecution had seven days to appeal the decision.

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8 thoughts on “Judge with cojones

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  1. This is another great thing for the country. But I think here nothing is certain. So the editor can be free today, but now they go after the models, or something like that. When in fact Playboy is not the problem, it’s only the name that got the attention. Sometimes I think we live in a split personality country!


  2. The only reason he got off is that the “judge with cojones” got a kickback so he could have some cojones! I’ve lived here for two years and I know how Inodonesia operates, it’s all about the duit, man. So just wait until the next case comes around, and then it will happen again and it will all be about the money again. I seen it so many times before. And the Playboy here is nothing, no nude stuff at all.


  3. The Playboy people have fairly deep pockets, but it wasn’t only them alone. My sources tell me at least half-a-dozen other publishers — with racier mags and tabloids and more to lose — pitched in and far outbid the other side…. And why so little outcry from our white-robed brethren, their leaders got a bit of ‘duit’ as well.

    I know we all want so badly to believe that the justice system is reforming and might be growing some cojones, but reality says otherwise unfortunately.

    Nonetheless, it was a small ‘victory’ of sorts over the holier-than-thou mobsters…. I just wonder if anyone has the cojones to punish them for their violent behavior???


  4. IMO, the fear that if the powers that be really act against the thugs, then it leaves them vulnerable to be attacked on different levels: That they lack “Muslim solidarity” in supporting such groups, even if these groups are using violence and coercion to get their way. It has been said before and better by others, I think, but the not wishing to stand out from the rest because you risk too much (and this applies in many spheres, not just in the case of facing extremism) is very prevalent here. Just my five cents worth of an opinion.


  5. yes, indeed solid. Yesterday the holier-than-thou mobsters went on another rampage tearing up dozens of newsstands (I wonder if the poor old ibu who’s trying to sell them appreciated their piety?) and “confiscating” all the mags and tabloids belonging to the informal consortium of publishers that helped Arnada.


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