Why Malaysia’s ministers are blogophobic

The Star’s senior journalist Veera Pandiyan has weighed in with yet another opinion piece in the mainstream media on the Malaysian status quo’s demonization of blogs. Among his observations are the latest shocker from Zainuddin Maidin (below), who was known as a fairly reasonable and perceptive man until he became a minister.

clipped from thestar.com.my

Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin’s warning to the print media last week came as another shock, especially with him being a former journalist and recipient of last year’s Tokoh Wartawan (Eminent Journalist) award.�
Last week, he urged the local media not to quote from blogs as such information was not “authoritative.” Bloggers, he cautioned, might be “provocative, politically motivated, inaccurate or just floating rumours for the interests of certain parties.”�

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So why do otherwise reasonable human beings in Malaysia begin to see blogs as evil incarnate when they ascend to power? Perhaps clues to the explanation lie in this pervious posting by Unspun.

4 thoughts on “Why Malaysia’s ministers are blogophobic

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  1. ‘Cause they’re too old for the new technology.
    C’mon, blog is for the new generation, I doubt they know how to use keyboard or not.

    Or simply because they’re afraid that their secrets/dark side would be revealed online.


  2. To some extent, I suspect some ministers do fear new technology. This is something thry don’t understand and they may look silly making some wrong comments about it.

    Ironically, this is what has happened when the ministers talk about bloggers and blogging. Their fear of blogs is almost transparent!

    But the comment that the ministers are too old for the new technology is not necessarily true. It is the mindset. They are not receptive to new technology and end up fearing it.

    How then can they qualify to lead a nation?


  3. Its just hard to control and if they can’t control it they fear it as well they should..Ignorance is their route to power


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