Unneighbourly relations?

Indonesia’s most influential newsweekly TEMPO this week features Indonesia-Malaysia relations as its cover story with the headline Unneighbourly Relations.The magazine’s cover story, headlinedTrying Times in Chow Kit questions Rela’s treatment of Indonesian workers. There is also a story, The Lion’s Den which featured Rela and and an interview with Rela chieftian Dato Zaidon Asmuni with the headline – feel the arrogance – Indonesians Don’t Know Our Power. There’s also a story of Indonesian worker Suryani Tas who is waiting to deliver a child conceived after her rape by a Rela member. Ironically, she’s naming her child Mahathir.

Unspun thinks that TEMPO is on sale in Malaysia. Am too busy now but will upload scanned copies of the relevant articles later for those who cannot hold of a copy. It is important for Malaysians to read what others think of Rela and Malaysia from a media that is not controlled by the government.

When will Malaysia ever learn that you shouldn’t engage in a pissing contest with a neighbor 10 times your population?

Here’s an extract of TEMPO’s editorial on Indonesia-Malaysia relations:

“After the recent uproar over the treatment of our domestic workers and other Indonesian visitors, perhaps we need to re-examine the relationship. In the past, relation reached a level where the expression “member of the same family” was frequently, and we think appropriately, bandied about. But lately there are problems between our two societies that should not be present in a civilized world.

There are two main concerns. Firstly, Malaysia’s rcent behavior could stem from an excessive feeling of inferiority. It could also be an example of the “newly rich syndrome” where people forget their roots and their history and feel they can act arbitarily. The best way to deal wih either of these is for both sides to sit down and speak heart-to-heart, honestly and politely and – most importantly – with open minds.”

clipped from www.tempointeractive.com

Cover Story

Trying Times in Chow Kit

The news from neighboring Malaysia has not been pleasant of late. A border dispute caused both sides to put their battleships on alert, followed by a furor over a cultural heritage. Today, migrant workers are causing political tension between our two ethnically similar societies. And why are Malaysian militia members targeting Indonesians visiting their country?

The Lion’s Den

Director of Rela, Dato Zaidon Bin H.J. Asmuni: Indonesians don’t know our power

Awaiting Mahathir’s Birth

  blog it

19 thoughts on “Unneighbourly relations?

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  1. “……two ethnically similar societies…..”?? This is far from being true.

    Malaysia has substantial group of other ethnic groups ( may be 50% or more than 50%) such as Chinese, Indians, Kadazan, Dayaks/Ibans etc.

    Similarly, I believe Indonesia has other major ethnic groups. This can be seen in some minor racial clashes reported in the news from the past.

    “Two ethnically similar law enforcers” would be more like it! In Malaysia, almost all REGULAR law enforcers are ethnically Malay.


  2. FYI, you can buy Tempo and Gatra magazine at Nile Bookstore (KL Sentral Station), newstand at Ampang Point Mall and newstand at Ampang Park.


  3. Dear Long John;

    Unfortunately to correct you, 80% are Govermaent declared Malays. Not sure if they included all Bumiputras in the statistic.

    If you consider Malays as all ethnic groups in this region that speaks Malay and are Muslims, than yes to ethnically(?) similiar. BTW does 99.9% still consider almost? (Ha ha, just guessing the figure)

    I’m sorry to say but I have a fair share of stories about problematic immigrants (can’t comment too much as I am not the 1st person experiencing it). However, when too many of them shows up at the same place seemingly taking over the business of local people, I guess, we kinda freaked out.

    But it seems that it’s in the gene of some people to abuse powers and uses violents to prove it’s strenght – or to cover inferiority.

    I’m not trying to helping others to condemn Malaysia but I guess it’s always good to have a different point of views.

    BTW, Malaysia has trained many skilled workers from Indonesia but sadly most of them are either sent back or had localised themselves and their prices (not to say they shouldn’t) which resulted imports of more unskilled workers from Indonesia and created the frustration.
    In addition, the uncontrolled imports created a surged of manpower but not enough jobs or simply unfit for the available jobs, thus they starts doing many other things and sometimes these conflicts with the interest of the already low income group and the small businesses. Alas, more freaked out the local people.

    And worst, some starts to do crimes and even syndicated to get the Indonesian maids against their employer.

    Not trying to offend anyone nor to defend ourselves, but it is a common knowledge here that Indonesian filled squatters or residential are = high crime area.
    Also, all employers are told not to allow their maids to be in contacts with anyone unfiltered else the agents, it’s inhumane but experience tells that they are easily susceptible to help crimes against their employer, intentionally / unintentionally.
    It’s is even warned that some came here as maids but it’s actually aranged by syndicates to become prostitute or gateway to other countries. So the 20k runaway maids when their employers try to be more human, and this was not reported in any Indonesian news. (Yalah, some employers are crazy!!)

    I also know some fine Indonesian that are living a proper life here and some very educated ones but all in Singapore. Why? Higher pay and better currency rate!!

    We are having an influx of less educated and less civilised immigrant from our neighbours – who fault is it now? STILL US LAH , HA HA!

    Okay, before I stray away from the topic again: if the definition of Malays refers to the people living in this region long ago, then it’s right to say that they share the same genetic buildups which consist a certain inferiority complex(Hey, it’s stated in Mahathir’s Malays Dilemma). Some evolved but most didn’t and these are the people that are making hell lots of problems here. Unfortunately in Malaysia, they are running the country and the u-know-what-force. (Eesh eesh… macam Harry Potter je)


  4. I can’t make any comments on this latest news …

    “Keledai-pun nggak mau jatuh jatuh dua kali di lobang yang sama” .. Hahahahaha…..
    Malaysia Kembali “Bajak” Lagu Daerah Indonesia di Osaka

    Tokyo (ANTARA News) – Konsulat Jenderal RI di Osaka melayangkan surat protes kepada Direktur Malaysian Tourism Office di Osaka, menyusul penggunaan kembali lagu daerah Indonesia dalam acara Asia Festival 2007 yang berlangsung di Osaka pada pertengahan Oktober lalu.

    Konsul Jenderal RI Pitono Purnomo mengemukakan hal itu kepada Antara di Tokyo, Kamis, ketika dikonfirmasi mengenai aksi “pembajakan” tersebut.

    “Kami sudah mengirimkan surat protes kepada pihak Malaysia namun belum ada respon sama sekali dari mereka,” katanya.

    Pihak Konsulat juga sudah melakukan koordinasi dengan pejabat Departemen Luar Negeri RI di Jakarta serta petinggi Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, termasuk Kuasa Usaha Ad Interim KBRI Kuala Lumpur.

    “Surat protes ini penting sebagai peringatan keras terhadap Malaysia agar tidak lagi sembarangan menggunakan lagu-lagu Indonesia. Kejadian ini nanti bisa diartikan negatif, misalnya seperti menantang Indonesia,” ujarnya.

    Oleh sebab itu, katanya, pihak konsulat buru-buru mengirimkan surat peringatan agar Malaysia bisa menahan diri agar hubungan kedua bangsa menjadi semakin memburuk. Terlebih kedua negara merupakan tetangga yang dekat.

    Lebih jauh ia menjelaskan bahwa sebetulnya Indonesia tidak mempermasalahkan penggunaan lagu-lagu Indonesia oleh Negara lain, asalkan secara jujur memberikan penjelasan yang lengkap bahwa lagu tersebut berasal dari Indonesia.

    “Kita sebetulnya bangga juga kalau lagu kita diperkenalkan oleh pihak lain, tetapi bukan begitu caranya,” kata Pitono lagi.

    Ia menegaskan bahwa kesengajaan mengubah sebagian lirik dan aransemen lagu oleh pihak Malaysia dapat mengakibatkan penonton beranggapan bahwa keseluruhan penampilan baik musik dan tariannya adalah tari dan musik dari Malaysia.

    Asal Sumbar

    Menurut informasi yang diperoleh, penggunaan lagu Indonesia itu diketahui saat berlangsungnya acara Asia Festival 2007 yang diikuti oleh Negara-negara ASEAN, termasuk Indonesia dan Malaysia pada 12-14 Oktober lalu.

    Salah seorang staf konsulat Jenderal Osaka ketika itu tengah menyaksikan penampilan tim kesenian Malaysia “Cinta Sayang” pada 14 Oktober lalu. Salah satu tarian yang ditampilkan Malaysia menggunakan iringan musik yang berasal dari Sumatera Barat (Sumbar), yaitu “Indang Sungai Garinggiang”.

    Sebelum dan sesudahnya pihak Malaysian Tourism Office di Osaka yang mengelola penampilan tim kesenian tersebut sama sekali tidak memberi penjelasan bahwa lagu yang dipakai sebagai musik pengiring tarian itu adalah lagu yang berasal dari Indonesia.

    Guna memastikan, pihak konjen RI Osaka menghubungi berbagai pihak di Jakarta dan juga tokoh-tokoh masyarakat asal Sumatera Barat dan diperoleh kepastian bahwa pencipta lagu “Indang Sungai Garinggiang” adalah Tiar Ramon, seniman musik dan penyanyi asal Sumbar pada tahun 1981.

    “Memang sang penciptanya sudah meninggal, tetapi semua data-data yang kita miliki sudah cukup kuat untuk bisa memperingati Malaysia,” kata seorang warga Minang yang tinggal di Osaka.

    Menurut keterangannya, lagu itu diciptakan atas permintaan Pemda Sumbar untuk digunakan sebagai musik pengiring “Tari Indang”. Lagu itu diperkenalkan pertama kali dipertunjukkan secara nasional pada upacara pembukaan MTQ (Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur?an) tingkat nasional di Padang pada tahun 1983.

    Berdasarkan semua data itulah Konsul Jenderal Osaka Pitono Purnomo menyurati Azhari Haron, Direktur Malaysian Tourism Office juga di Osaka pada 19 Oktober 2007 untuk memberikan penjelasan yang selengkapnya atas penggunaan lagu itu.

    Tembusan surat juga dilayangkan ke pihak penyelenggara festival FM Cocolo guna mengeRti persoalannya dengan memberikan penjelasan yang lengkap.

    Sebelumnya lagu daerah asal Maluku “Rasa Sayange” juga dibajak oleh Negara tetangga itu yang semakin menyulut sentimen bangsa Indonesia, menyusul serangkaian perlakukan buruk dan meremehkan warganegara Indonesia yang bermukim di Malaysia.(*)


  5. @firdausj: now this accusation of ur i can accept…u stated the owner of the song…so obviously its indonesian…continue protesting agaist the malaysian govern, and pls dont redirect the anger on malaysian public by doing unnecessary provocative actions…it works better when no anti-indonesian sentiment among malaysian public

    anyway…im quite unhappy with the last paragraph…as until now ‘Rasa Sayang hey’ has not been proven to belong to Indonesian, its originated from Maluku of course, but although Maluku is in Indonesia at present, we cannot simply say it belongs to indonesian…as the owner couldnot be found according to Bernie Convention

    coming back to the ‘Indang Sungai Garinggiang’ issue, as for now i admit it belongs to indonesia but i have to go and see whats the malaysia’s MTB explanation and whether they really used that song 🙂


  6. @vey: unfortunately, its not as easy as that. although its a folksong from Maluku, the folksong status of it granted everybody rights to use it as their wishes, without any prior notice to anyone. for u to claim that the song belongs to indonesia, u must state the writer of the song thus disqualified the song as a folksong…this is according to mike on Bernie Convention…

    when u aledy proved the song belongs indonesia, then only u can accuse the MTB for stealing indonesian song. i oso dislike those ppl in the MTB but they really make a good point on this, cant help it…

    i know its sad for uguys but its the reality, nobody cant help it. sorry 🙂


  7. @kamarul
    nop, we didn’t sad, all we felt is sorry for you malaisya, it just prove that you guys dont have original culture , maybe i have give this link before, but its ok pls read it again

    in Colorado there is a band called The Colorado Irish Pipe Band, why putting Irish after Colorado ? because they r realize that pipe band is not originated from Colorado and they named their band like that to explain that they r a band of from colorado that plays Irish Pipe. The same goes to rasa sayange
    you admit that it originated from Maluku, where is Maluku its in Indonesia, and did your government put Maluku, Indonesia to explain the song ? NO !

    so kamarul, sorry, that is what we felt for malasya, this rasa sayange prove that malaysia don’t have any original culture, and i feel more sorry for you malasya after i read the post from firdausj and this news



  8. @vey: are u matured enough? its malaysia, maybe u donot know the correct spelling 🙂 sorry i cannot read bahasa indonesia, can u translate it for me? and of course, as u accused we malaysians allegedly dont have original culture and steal ur indonesian culture and lastly got selected as member states (with significant number of votes) in the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and CULTURAL organization)…um can i know whether indonesia does get elected? (as we all know, the most culturally rich nation on earth and no one else)

    SIMPLE ENGLISH: um want to ask one thing, this ‘irish’ word means race or place? it means race lah, it means irish ppl, it doesnot means ireland. furthermore, that musical instrument is not just called “pipe” like any other pipe u got in ur house. its called “Irish Pipe”. of course they will put The Colorado/ Irish Pipe/ Band, the word ‘Irish Pipe’ stands as a noun, its not to dictate that the pipe belongs to Ireland

    Stages of Grievance: Despair, DENIAL, ANGER, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance- ur at the level with caps, the stages may be present, more than one at a time. 🙂

    anyway, bahasa indonesia is created based on bahasa melayu after some changes. have u ever seen anywhere on earth, nations that inherit language from others, change the name of the language? eg: american language from english language? australian language from english language? canadian language from english language?…got the point?
    also, i dont understand why uguys do Bahasa Indonesia from Bahasa Melayu, malays are only minority in Indonesia, as ur trying to be rude by saying ‘malasya’ so malay is malas, Bahasa Indonesia from Bahasa Malas? who is even more malas?

    not to offend but just to trigger ur thinking, by using emotional provocative words, sometime we got trapped in our own words…and its the most shameful thing to happen to a person. Cheers 🙂


  9. Just a little comment on the origin of Bahasa Indonesia. Which literature are you refering to?


    From a quick look at the reference above I’d rather believe that in fact Indonesian inherit their very own language as well as Malaysian, the only difference is Malaysian called it Bahasa Malaysia whilst Indonesian called it Bahasa Indonesia.

    If you read further on the following link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malays_%28ethnic_group%29

    You’ll be suprised that the word Melayu is actually originated from a river with name Melayu River near to Batang Hari River of today’s Muara Jambi, Jambi province of Sumatra, INDONESIA.

    [The first few paragraph from Wiki RE: Malay People]

    The Malay people are believed to have originated in Borneo and then expanded outwards into Sumatra and later into the Malay Peninsula. These people were descendants of Austronesian-speakers who migrated from the Philippines and originally from Taiwan. The main foundation of this school of thought lies in the fact that the oldest Malay settlements have been discovered in Sumatra and not in the Malay Peninsula. This suggests an upward – south to north – migratory route. Malay culture reached its golden age during Srivijayan times. Malays praticed Buddhism, Hinduism, and their native Animism before converting to Islam in the 15th century.

    According to the History of Jambi, the word Melayu originated from a river with name Melayu River near to Batang Hari River of today’s Muara Jambi, Jambi province of Sumatra, Indonesia. The founder of Malacca, Parameswara was a prince of Palembang which was once owned by a nation called “Malayu” back in the seventh century. Yi Jing (635-713) clearly recorded in his journal book a nation of name ‘Ma-La-Yu’ existed. According to archaeological research of Jambi, large numbers of ancient artifacts and ancient architectures of Melayu have been found with photo evidence.

    The word “Malay” was adopted into English via the Dutch word “Malayo”, itself from Portuguese “Malaio”, which originates from the Malay word “Melayu”. According to one popular theory, the word Melayu means “migrating” or “fleeing”, which might refer to the high mobility of these people across the region.

    I’m not too sure who’s trapped in his/her own words now? But I agree that its the most shameful thing to happend to a person… Peace 🙂


  10. @kamarul
    sorry for the typo, its malaysia, not malasya
    well its all because of the time limit i had so i need to be quick, however, based on your reply for firdausj i believe you do understand bahasa indonesia,
    however, again im never felt sad, i feel sorry for your unproven statement, well its reality that rasa sayange is originated from Maluku, Indonesian province, not malasya oopss sorry malaysia 😛 so no matter what you malaysia said will never change the fact that the song is originated from Maluku, Indonesian province you have admit it yourself.

    and about bahasa indonesia i agree with Corleone, i believe someone trapped in her/his own words, Corleone gave us a link, such a shame if someone just talking without giving a prove to back up his/her statement, it s more like a crap than a decent argument if she/he just said something about bahasa indonesia without prove,

    so you admit the song rasa sayange is originated from Maluku, Indonesian Province, that the reality but still you cannot accept it

    so almost majority of malaysian said criminal were done by Indonesian, well reality said that 80% criminals done by your own people, malaysian people

    so you malaysian, AGAIN, using our song without proper permit

    so you said something about bahasa indonesia without any prove so far, while someone did

    well kamarul, really i agree that is the most shameful thing to happened to a person.. 😀


  11. Dear vey,
    Thanks for the link, it’s enlightening(that piese not too hard too read, he he). Well, like I said, I was not the first person experiencing it. Anyhow, I don’t think Indonesian are bad but when there is one, people will exaggerate lar. If you read through my comment earlier again you’ll get my point. Also a bit of niceties in this one:

    In regards to the copyright issue, it has been discussed & argued & explained & fought over and over and over again here, here, there and everywhere in Unspun’s blog. To make it easy for new reader, try this link:

    Dear Corleone,
    Kamarul used wrong choice of words to explain (again).
    Both Bahasa Malaysia & Bahasa Indonesia have the same root. If you would like to follow the above link, you’ll get what I mean. (beware, it links everywhere!)

    One thing I like to highlight, the language is technically a human technology invented to communicate with each an another. It improves and changes all the time and usually the more economically (by trades or by force) it is, the more people uses it. However, people are a forgetful lot and amazingly adaptable, therefore when the human colonies expanded, some words and pronunciation are forgotten or changed and becomes a sub-language or what we called a dialect. The further you are from the central government the more obvious the different especially in the old days. New words also formed when people learned new things or were exposed to other civilization. From time to time, due to politic and governance, these spoken or written language will be revised and thought again by the rulers so to have control over the people. After all, how to rule if your people don’t understand you?


  12. I find it funny Kamarul keeps boasting about Malaysia being in UNESCO. Indonesia has been there many2 times lah, and we’re not as arrogant as you are by boasting about it.

    Geez, maybe I should tell my government to boast about small and regular achievement like what Malaysian government does. I just hope that we’re not become as arrogant as you are.


  13. @emma: its not the question about being arrogant here lah…u didnt get my point about this! my point is that malaysian donot have our own culture and we keep stealing from indonesia, why in the earth we were selected in UNESCO even for once? 🙂 emma, substantiate please, and less emotional


  14. so emma. in indonesia you have no arrogant people. i’ve seen in my own eyes how the rich indonesian treated their own poor people. and also their goverment official such as immigration have treated their own TKI to and from Malaysia. how these bunchs or arrogant man women calling thier own poor people with all sorts of name. yes we are proud of our little achievement but sad too when we see our neighbour in bad shape. Mind you we are also not as rich as we would like to be but we are also not as poor as majority of indonesians but that doesnt make us so inferior and arrogant. If we are arrogant we couldnt be bother to help our freinds especially indonesia whenever they face trouble . You are just being arrogant too as same goes to other rich indonesian when they treat their own poor countymen, their supir, peminta sedekah jalanan, maid . so please, indonesias also are bunch of arrogant people.


  15. Rich people is the one who are arrogant?

    Well, since the majority of Indonesian are Poor like Ralph said, then there’s more indonesian people who is not arrogant.


  16. haiya everybody please lah, stop dis moronic discussion of whos arrogant and whos not…whats the point of proving this? No point, as long as we ourselves know that we are not arrogant and continue to do so, its all that matters…if continue this argument oso, i dont think it will finish in the near future lah 🙂


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