Indonesia’s first Bloggership recipient

At Pesta Blogger 2008, the committee and Microsoft Indonesia came up with a neat idea to offer a bloggership.

Nona Dita

What’s a bloggership? Think of it as a scholarship for bloggers. Announced at Pesta Blogger, Microsoft has been busy selecting the applicants for its inaugural bloggership and after going througha rigorous slection process involving Enda nasution as one of the judges, has decided on Anandita Puspitasari, a junior researcher at the Center for HRD and Applied Technology.Dita or better known by her blog name of Nona Dita is from Bogor and she beat four other candidates for the bloggership.

She’s now entitled to a Rp 15 million fund, a Windows mobile smart phone and expenses paid trips to three provinces. All she has to do is post whatever she wants, so long as its on education,  human resources development and the private sector’s contribution in helping society find economic opportunities.

Congratulations Dita!

Below is the prss release posted at the Pesta Blogger site.

SIARAN PERSAnandita Puspitasari: Peneliti Junior LSM Jadi Penerima Bloggership Pertama di Indonesia

Jakarta, 13 Januari 2009—Anandita Puspitasari (23 tahun), seorang peneliti junior pada LSM Center for HRD and Applied Technology (CREATE), berhasil terpilih menjadi penerima Bloggership pertama di Indonesia, setelah menyisihkan 4 orang kandidat lainnya. Di dunia blog, perempuan muda asal Bogor, Jawa Barat ini lebih dikenal dengan sapaan Dita atau Nona Dita, seperti URL blog-nya di

Read more  Here.

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