Got your goat? Go to Pesta Blogger

Update: At Pesta Blogger on October 27, the Bloggers for Bangsari managed to raise Rp7.5 mio from the participants. That adds up to 15 goats, said one of the organizers, very pleased with the results, more so because other blogger’s interests have been piqued and inquiries and pledges are coming in. Way to go Bloggers for Bangsari. You rock!

With two days more to go to Pesta Blogger, Indonesia’s first nationwide gathering of bloggers, the fun has ratcheted up a notch with the Steering Committee deciding to let groups of bloggers do their thing.Pesta Blogger 2007

They’ve allocated a Mimbar Bebas, or a free forum, where bloggers can get center stage for a few minutes to do whatever they want or espouse whatever causes they want. Something like a Speakers Corner of the Indonesian blogosphere.

A band of bloggers calling themselves Bloggers for Bangsari is trying to raise money to buy a goat. The goat is to be donated to the school children of Bangsari, in Cilacap, Central Jawa.

The children will take on the responsibility of raising the goat and the when it is old enough it can be sold off and the proceeds go to the school. Or if it reproduces then the kids can be sold off with the proceeds going to the schoolchildren as well.

Must say it’s not a BAAAAD idea (sorry, Unspun knows he mutton make bad puns. Damn!).

Also check out the creativity that Pesta Blogger has inspired with this YouTube upload of a film “I’m proud to be an Indonesian blogger” by filmmaker Iman Brotoseno. Iman and his crew will also be at the Pesta to shoot the event and all the cute bloggers there.

clipped from
Blogger Diajak Sumbang KambingPB2007 – detikinet

Kambing (wikipedia/public domain)

Jakarta – Nama acaranya memang Pesta Blogger 2007, tapi bukan berarti isinya hura-hura belaka. Sebuah sesi akan disediakan untuk program bantuan kambing bagi siswa sekolah kurang mampu.

Program bertajuk ‘Bloggers for Bangsari’ itu rencananya akan muncul dalam salah satu sesi di Pesta Blogger 2007 (PB2007). Melalui program ini, blogger bisa menyumbangkan dana untuk bersama-sama menghadirkan modal pada anak-anak sekolah di kawasan Bangsari, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah.

Modal tersebut berupa kambing betina yang nantinya akan dipelihara oleh anak-anak kurang mampu. Hasil keuntungan memelihara kambing itu akan digunakan untuk biaya sekolah dan kebutuhan lainnya. Jika anakan kambing sudah bisa menghasilkan lagi maka indukan yang masih produktif akan diberikan pada anak lain.

  blog it

7 thoughts on “Got your goat? Go to Pesta Blogger

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  1. as a half-anti-social blogger and a crew behind ‘Bloggers for Bangsari’ program, I bow to you, Masta Unspun (= you’ve spread the news about it. you’ve broken the barrier while we’re still having trouble in pronouncing seratus-lima-puluh-ribu-rupiah in English. again, great, many thanks. i just knew from one of my friends that the program had been blogged in your site.
    spread the news, brotha. together, we’ll make this BIG!


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