Let’s dance!

First Unspun brought you the Rasa Sayang(e) controversy, now the Indang Sungai Garinggiang Fiasco?

Read on. The Antara article below was contributed by reader firdausj with the saying:

“Keledai-pun nggak mau jatuh jatuh dua kali di lobang yang sama” .. Hahahahaha…..

Read on:

Malaysia Kembali “Bajak” Lagu Daerah Indonesia di Osaka

Tokyo (ANTARA News) – Konsulat Jenderal RI di Osaka melayangkan surat protes kepada Direktur Malaysian Tourism Office di Osaka, menyusul penggunaan kembali lagu daerah Indonesia dalam acara Asia Festival 2007 yang berlangsung di Osaka pada pertengahan Oktober lalu.

Konsul Jenderal RI Pitono Purnomo mengemukakan hal itu kepada Antara di Tokyo, Kamis, ketika dikonfirmasi mengenai aksi “pembajakan” tersebut.

“Kami sudah mengirimkan surat protes kepada pihak Malaysia namun belum ada respon sama sekali dari mereka,” katanya.

Pihak Konsulat juga sudah melakukan koordinasi dengan pejabat Departemen Luar Negeri RI di Jakarta serta petinggi Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, termasuk Kuasa Usaha Ad Interim KBRI Kuala Lumpur.

“Surat protes ini penting sebagai peringatan keras terhadap Malaysia agar tidak lagi sembarangan menggunakan lagu-lagu Indonesia. Kejadian ini nanti bisa diartikan negatif, misalnya seperti menantang Indonesia,” ujarnya.

Oleh sebab itu, katanya, pihak konsulat buru-buru mengirimkan surat peringatan agar Malaysia bisa menahan diri agar hubungan kedua bangsa menjadi semakin memburuk. Terlebih kedua negara merupakan tetangga yang dekat.

Lebih jauh ia menjelaskan bahwa sebetulnya Indonesia tidak mempermasalahkan penggunaan lagu-lagu Indonesia oleh Negara lain, asalkan secara jujur memberikan penjelasan yang lengkap bahwa lagu tersebut berasal dari Indonesia.

“Kita sebetulnya bangga juga kalau lagu kita diperkenalkan oleh pihak lain, tetapi bukan begitu caranya,” kata Pitono lagi.

Ia menegaskan bahwa kesengajaan mengubah sebagian lirik dan aransemen lagu oleh pihak Malaysia dapat mengakibatkan penonton beranggapan bahwa keseluruhan penampilan baik musik dan tariannya adalah tari dan musik dari Malaysia.

Asal Sumbar

Menurut informasi yang diperoleh, penggunaan lagu Indonesia itu diketahui saat berlangsungnya acara Asia Festival 2007 yang diikuti oleh Negara-negara ASEAN, termasuk Indonesia dan Malaysia pada 12-14 Oktober lalu.

Salah seorang staf konsulat Jenderal Osaka ketika itu tengah menyaksikan penampilan tim kesenian Malaysia “Cinta Sayang” pada 14 Oktober lalu. Salah satu tarian yang ditampilkan Malaysia menggunakan iringan musik yang berasal dari Sumatera Barat (Sumbar), yaitu “Indang Sungai Garinggiang”.

Sebelum dan sesudahnya pihak Malaysian Tourism Office di Osaka yang mengelola penampilan tim kesenian tersebut sama sekali tidak memberi penjelasan bahwa lagu yang dipakai sebagai musik pengiring tarian itu adalah lagu yang berasal dari Indonesia.

Guna memastikan, pihak konjen RI Osaka menghubungi berbagai pihak di Jakarta dan juga tokoh-tokoh masyarakat asal Sumatera Barat dan diperoleh kepastian bahwa pencipta lagu “Indang Sungai Garinggiang” adalah Tiar Ramon, seniman musik dan penyanyi asal Sumbar pada tahun 1981.

“Memang sang penciptanya sudah meninggal, tetapi semua data-data yang kita miliki sudah cukup kuat untuk bisa memperingati Malaysia,” kata seorang warga Minang yang tinggal di Osaka.

Menurut keterangannya, lagu itu diciptakan atas permintaan Pemda Sumbar untuk digunakan sebagai musik pengiring “Tari Indang”. Lagu itu diperkenalkan pertama kali dipertunjukkan secara nasional pada upacara pembukaan MTQ (Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur?an) tingkat nasional di Padang pada tahun 1983.

Berdasarkan semua data itulah Konsul Jenderal Osaka Pitono Purnomo menyurati Azhari Haron, Direktur Malaysian Tourism Office juga di Osaka pada 19 Oktober 2007 untuk memberikan penjelasan yang selengkapnya atas penggunaan lagu itu.

Tembusan surat juga dilayangkan ke pihak penyelenggara festival FM Cocolo guna mengeRti persoalannya dengan memberikan penjelasan yang lengkap.

Sebelumnya lagu daerah asal Maluku “Rasa Sayange” juga dibajak oleh Negara tetangga itu yang semakin menyulut sentimen bangsa Indonesia, menyusul serangkaian perlakukan buruk dan meremehkan warganegara Indonesia yang bermukim di Malaysia.(*)

31 thoughts on “Let’s dance!

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  1. hehe so i just copy it here…easy job

    @firdausj: now this accusation of ur i can accept…u stated the owner of the song…so obviously its indonesian…continue protesting agaist the malaysian govern, and pls dont redirect the anger on malaysian public by doing unnecessary provocative actions…it works better when no anti-indonesian sentiment among malaysian public

    anyway…im quite unhappy with the last paragraph…as until now ‘Rasa Sayang hey’ has not been proven to belong to Indonesian, its originated from Maluku of course, but although Maluku is in Indonesia at present, we cannot simply say it belongs to indonesian…as the owner couldnot be found according to Bernie Convention

    coming back to the ‘Indang Sungai Garinggiang’ issue, as for now i admit it belongs to indonesia but i have to go and see whats the malaysia’s MTB explanation and whether they really used that song 🙂


  2. Somehow I am not suprised….( I expect more to come in the future)
    Well, the author is known now, and its not reached the time limit of Bernie Convention (50 years) yet. What does Malaysian can say about this?

    Take your pick:

    Ops I did it again
    Sorry… But we are two serumpun lah….
    Its the government…Its the government…not us lah….


  3. @triedtobehonest: letme guess…

    1. ops i did it again…NOT a good choice as the prev “Rasa Sayang hey” indonesians didnt even prove the song belongs to them, dont know the owner according Bernie convention…accusation being made before but hey due to its unanswered mystery, accusation becomes totally fitnah as it was never proven…hehe

    2.Sorry…but we are two serumpunlah…NOT a good choice either as i dont know where the sense of serumpun come from. of course got some malays there, got javanese, bugis etc here, not to mention immigrants…and hey bahasa indonesia oso is actually bahasa melayu in the first place…at the end thinking wise…so DIFFERENT lor…

    3.Its the government…Its the government…not us lah….hmm must be the best answer so far…well obviously its the govern, the ppl oso are not happy with the govern…and come to think of it, maybe the indonesians wanna burn our national flag the second time…then both indonesians and malaysians cursing each other…the indonesians sue the malaysian on the “Indang Sungai Garinggiang”…then do u think the malaysian gonna be happy, sit back, relax and enjoy??? i dont think so…

    read this…copycats songs of malaysian singer P Ramlee such as Hujan di Tengah Hari, Kata Dari Kalbu, Apabila Kau Tersenyum, Azizah, Tjik Mamat (Che Mamat) and Jalei-Jalei ( Yale-Yale song which was taken from the Berdosa Movie 1951). these songs as in those days do not have copyrights due to at that time we believe that the songs must be allowed to be shared to find common ground by neighboring countries. these songs were copies made by indonesian singers such as Sjaugi (Shaugi), Hasnah Tahar and Rien in the early 1980-an

    then…after all the saman, saman back, saman back again, again and again…at the end everybody is happy 🙂


  4. kamarul: Read this…copycats songs of malaysian singer P Ramlee such as Hujan di Tengah Hari, Kata Dari Kalbu, Apabila Kau Tersenyum, Azizah, Tjik Mamat (Che Mamat) and Jalei-Jalei ( Yale-Yale song which was taken from the Berdosa Movie 1951). these songs as in those days do not have copyrights due to at that time we believe that the songs must be allowed to be shared to find common ground by neighboring countries. these songs were copies made by indonesian singers such as Sjaugi (Shaugi), Hasnah Tahar and Rien in the early 1980-an…

    As far as I know, those singers still “acknowledged” P Ramlee as the composer in their album… However, if your “statement” is true (???), I will also “disappoint” with them…. But, please understand that they did it “personally” (our government did not facilitate them as your Gov’t/MTB did) ……

    Maybe you have to read this again:

    “… sebetulnya Indonesia tidak mempermasalahkan penggunaan lagu-lagu Indonesia oleh Negara lain, asalkan secara jujur memberikan penjelasan yang lengkap bahwa lagu tersebut berasal dari Indonesia… ”

    Apa sih susahnya ??? … (IF your gov’t have a “good” faith) … Hahahaha


  5. yeah, unfortunately we don’t have the proof “Rasa Sayange” is ours. Just like when I was a child, when a friend (don’t know if I should consider whether she’s my friend or not though) of mine suddenly in the possesion of a cute pencil case that i’ve got from my dad who is travelling abroad. And the fact that we live in a small town where everybody knows who’s been where didn’t help.

    Yes, at least we have the face where we have our national language come from. And we do recognized every malay songs that was ever famous here. We still said that P. Ramlee is malaysian, and so is his songs. And most important is, We never try to use any malay songs to commercialize (sorry, im a bit cunfused with the spellings) our tourism.


  6. @firdausj: im glad that now u have govern with brains but unluckily my govern got no brain…im a malaysian, on behalf of my stupid govern, letme tell this, really tak susah pon…i dont have any prob that the song originated from Maluku, its the truth, nobody cannot deny that…even if u go and tell the malaysian that its the fact that the song come from Maluku…i think they will just accept it, after long arguments of course hehe 🙂

    But when a serious accusation was made that the malaysian “STEALS” the song from indonesia, uguys must prove that the song “BELONGS” to indonesia. the fact that the song originated from Maluku does NOT means that it belongs to Indonesia. the fact that ur govern cannot prove this means the song doesnot belongs to Indonesia…and thus a stealing cannot be proved. when an accusation is not being proved, we call it fitnah.

    @triedtobehonest: really sad for u but u should have stand up against her or u tell ur father or whatever to prove that its urs hehe. not all malaysians are arrogant(of course some are), im a malaysian, am i arrogant? if im arrogant then i would never admit that the MTB did a mistake in the ‘Indang Sungai Garinggiang’ issue

    of course lah u recognized P.Ramlee, but at that time there was no copyright given to the Indonesian singers although they did recognized…when u go on and sue our govern, burn flag and so on, the sentiment builds up and do u think the malaysian govern with no brain gonna sit quitely? NO, they will fight back ie in this caselah…then the never ending saman menyaman…

    is everybody happy? of course they are, the economy gonna flare up due to increased foreign exchange…thanx to the never ending saman menyaman hehe 🙂 …


  7. kamarul:
    suppose we live in the stone age where there is no paper work and those registration crap. There was even no law and no legal procedure yet in those days.
    And then one boy named kamarul was born.
    Now answer me, Kamarul: Is kamarul’s mother NOT his mother just because there was no legal paper to prove it?? She IS still kamarul’s mother, of course!

    And then suppose somebody kidnapped kamarul’s mother, can kamarul not claim that guy’s stealing kamarul’s mother just because kamarul does not have paper to prove that kamarul’s mother is his mother?

    It is still STEALING, with or without paper. You may say anything about legal paper, but when it comes to the truth, nature rules.

    Think again.


  8. @kamarul

    But how can I stand up to her I’VE GOT NO PROOF that she steals it from me. She can say that she got it from her relatives or has had it all along before I have one. It’s not like I’ve branded the thing. Sounds familiar?

    Anyway, I have a list that for the record, it is Indonesia’s true heritage but gaining a lot of popularity in Malaysia, don’t go on claiming it as yours.
    1. Poco-poco
    2. Sajojo
    3. Lagu Jali-jali
    4. Tarian Saman Seudati


  9. @Kamarul,
    Sedikit diluar topik, baru-baru ini seorang anak Indonesia berusia 6,5 tahun memenangkan lomba menggambar perangko untuk PBB (United Nation). Keberhasilan anak ini mengalahkan 12,000 peserta dari 124 negara lain dengan suara terbanyak merupakan satu contoh kecil betapa berkesenian-nya orang Indonesia. Maaf, saya tidak melihat anak Malaysia mendapat penghargaan pada event bergengsi ini. Hasil karya anak Indonesia ini akan dicetak sebagai perangko PBB tahun 2008. Sekali lagi maaf, kami memang bangsa yang berkesenian. Sedikit bicara, banyak bekerja!
    Kalau Anda mau bukti silahkan klik disini http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/social/art/exhibit.html
    dan disini :


  10. @smarta&s: if u wana to live in stone age, carry on, i dont want. our thinking is not like th stone age one, so why we would act like one, it doesnt make any sense. nowadays we have system, we have rules n reg etc…we dont simply do anything we want. if u go out of the system, what would it be called?

    @triedtobehonest: of course u dont have proof but do u simply accused her of stealing and tell the whole kampung that she stealed it from u? if u did so without showing any proof, what would the kampung ppl will say?? of course they will say u r making a fitnah. about the list of songs u state above, honestly say i never heard such here in malaysia. maybe due to my lack of interest in such song hehe but really i never heard those songs…

    my point is simple, all the while uguys are complaining is to tell the malaysian govern and malaysian ppl that the song belongs to indonesia. but becoz u dont have proof plus the anti-indonesian sentiments u generated among malaysian public…do u think it will succeed??? the hell NO, not to mentioned the malaysian govern use this issue to maintain their political popularity among malaysian voters….we are going to have election u know maybe early next year. what uguys did are not helping the malaysian opposition really….at the end its the UMNO who will benefit and stay on in power. then really u will know, they will never solve the foreign worker issue…


  11. @kamarul, i think u missed smarta&s’ point.
    he/she wasnt implying that system,law and regulations are not important,
    he/she was pointing that BY ESSENCE, the action of stealing in itself is… err.. uh, stealing.

    okay, im not truly fully supporting smarta&s’ ( i mean, who can take a person who call himself smarta&s seriously, seriously? :p ), stealing is such harsh word.

    now. even if we find proofs, whether it’s hard documentations, or by a mere understanding and intimate knowledge to differentiate many flavors of indonesian tunes/lyrics/dialect, you can always debate it back with some sort of conventions and regulations.

    But especially about “rasa sayange”, there is something intimate about it in the heart of indonesian people, we can always identify it with a particular culture… a particular part of our country.

    …Along with, say, “sajojo” or “butet” with other parts.

    (after all,i think that what folksongs are all about: intimate feelings that can be associated to some sort of cultures.
    You may claim sipadan ligitan as your own, for all i care, they might better be yours, i mean.. who am i kidding, we have too many islands to manage/mismanage already, but claiming “rasa sayange”??? For us, that is just ironically too… much….^_^ )

    And for malaysia to claim it, and then to ignore our protests, is just seem like taunting at best, arrogance at worst.

    It HURTS.
    (and of course, sadly/gladly, you can also say the same thing)

    There must be an elegant solution for this matter without starting to curse one another. (although for now i cant think of any)

    now about malaysian politic, i really dont know much, and the (bi?)implication(s) of it to “rasa sayange”,
    to be honest, i dont think indonesian people will care that much about politic of a country which populations only around the size of their megapolitan, when they really dont care about who governs their own megapolitan. (heck, even I dunno whos the current governor of jakarta)



  12. @Bonar: 🙂 smarta&s’ point is ‘stealing’ whether it is proved or not is still stealing right? did i missed his point? now my point here is who will say confidently that its stealing? of course the one being stealed from right?
    now how the stealer and the others wana know that the stealer steals from the alledgely being stealed from? Proofs, of course!

    i tell u one story: Nurin Jazlin, a 7(?) year old malay girl was kidnapped, allegedly raped and terribly murdered in Kuala Lumpur, a hot issue now.
    before the allegedly dead body of this girl was found, a cleverly indonesian lady called her family, claiming this girl was kidnapped by her and asked for ransom in order to return her back. It went to the police and blast out to the medias. The whole nation thought its the indonesian lady is the one behind all this. Police starts the moves and successfully caught this lady. so everybody start blaming the whole indonesian community in malaysia. investigations carried on, PROOFS was found to show that this indonesian lady is just another victim of her own stupidity. She did not kidnapped her but by claiming so, she hoped for the ransom money. Now the police cleared the charges against her, again it went out to the medias. Later what happened? if u go and ask any malaysian who knew of this case, they will simply answer its NOT the indonesian lady who kidnapped her!!! Why? PROOFS lah man

    Indonesian said malaysian steals their culture, malaysian said indonesians are the most crime ridden community in malaysia. what do we do so that each accusation can be understood by both sides? What? PROOFS again man…i dont even care whether u care about other ppl’s political system onot, if u want to go ahead, go on, i dont care

    @Tenggiri: a weak point but hey i will not abandon u. um let me give u here…Malaysia was just being elected as the member state of UNESCO (UN Education, Scientific and CULTURAL Organization) with significant votes and i oso didnt see Indonesia. So lets compare the two facts, to view the cultural richness of a nation, which fact is better? The little girl or the whole nation? *P/S: this does not comply with my personal view, just to show you that ur fact cannot be used lah man…

    Arrogant, another weak term! Indonesian say malaysian are arrogant due to our achievements in economy etc. (some malaysian say indonesia is a poor nation, no economic strength etc). on the other side, malaysian say indonesian are arrogant because indonesian say malaysian are culture-poor nation etc (some indonesian say malaysian culture dont have identitylah, no jati diri lah etc) Letme ask this, at the end where are we going by accusing each other on this weak point?? the hell nowhere, thats why i say this is a weak point… 🙂


  13. we all talked about steal/stealing/stealer, but really who is the real victim ?the victim is Malaysian artists/song composer, MTB (Malaysia Tourism Board) has completely written them off, non-existent, and to make sure everybody understands MTB than pick another minang song, that is an insult to Malaysian artist! as citizen of Republik Mimpi, I urge seniman from Republik Tetangga (Indonesia) to support their counterpart in Kerajaan Jiran (Malaysia), leave the mouse-fight to poliTikus-poliTikus, its not worth it.


  14. Malaysians, sing the Rasa Sayange song whenever and wherever you want. But using it as a jingle for tourism campaign is totally wrong.
    Tourism should only promote their nation’s facilities.
    Dont use an Ambonese song and make it like it’s yours (like the Indang Sungai Garinggiang case). This is what all the fuss about.


  15. @DeaGLe: hehe i aledy had this conversation before, maybe from other thread but its okay, i will just repeat it for u…

    the malaysian versions are Rasa Sayang HEY, taiwan and hong kong versions also Rasa Sayang HEY, the one used by MTB also Rasa Sayang HEY…the Maluku version is Rasa Sayang E and at the end indonesians also said the MTB stealed Rasa SayangE (which is not)

    since these songs shared similar tune but different lyrics, it must have been from one single source…so which one come first Rasa Sayang HEY or Rasa SayangE?? If got somebody can say that either one come first, then the others are copies…later we can ONLY know whos stealing…for the time being NOBODY can prove ANYBODY is stealing…got it? 🙂


  16. Kamarul, you could just cut and paste the related discussion we had about this. My fingers getting tired to type all these again. Maybe you have enough time to compile a summary and just put it in here. Ha ha. This will be another lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng thread kudos to Kamarul. Cheers \(^_^)/


  17. @Vic.Kyle.Ellanne: im so boring right now, nothing to do in this nearly-empty ENT ward, cannot join the surgeons playing ping-pong in the middle of department lobby either…so i just sit here in front of the PC, typing everything that i want and laughed loudly by myself…the staffnurses aledy staring at me, wondering am i going crazy that they wanted to send me to psychiatric ward nearby… hehe

    bilo mu kelik kelate, ngayat sy deh. buleh kito gi jale2 kat KB. buleh gak gi make kat 4 season halal restaurant. mu blanjo sy lah, mu ke oghe kelate, lagipon mu dah kijo, sy blum kijo…hehe :p


  18. Jujur aja, saya heran ada orang seperti Kamarul. Dari commentnya dia mengakui bahwa Rasa Sayange adalah lagu Maluku, tapi dia tidak mau mengakui bahwa pemerintahnya mencuri lagu itu dari Indonesia. Dahsyat sekali cara pemerintah Malaysia itu mencuci otak rakyatnya.
    Analogi yang dibuat triedtobehonest dan smart&s untuk ‘menyadarkan’ Kamarul ini sangat tepat, tapi balik2 si kamarul ini ngomong soal hukum. Sekarang kita singkirkan dulu soal hukum, kita bicara etika. Apakah beretika kalau mengambil barang orang lain walaupun orang itu tidak bisa membuktikan bahwa barang itu miliknya? Soal etika, hati nurani yang bicara. Tapi saya tidak tau apakah anda memang masih punya hati nurani. Karena tiap kali hal ini yang diungkit anda balik lagi ngomong soal bukti hukum (playing the devil’s advocate huh?)

    Kalau balik lagi bicara soal hukum, sekarang saya tanya apa pemerintah kamu juga punya bukti bahwa itu lagu ciptaan orang Malaysia ? Nggak kan? kenapa cuma Indonesia yang dituntut untuk memberi bukti? Kasus lagu minang yang dibajak di Osaka itu juga menunjukkan bahwa mencuri kebudayaan Indonesia sudah menjadi kebiasaan yang mulai dinikmati oleh orang2 Malaysia. Berikutnya apa lagi bung?


  19. @emma: sabar lah, tak perlu begitu beremosi, lets argue each other with brain okay? see my comment on ethics here https://theunspunblog.com/2007/10/02/rasa-not-so-sayang/#comment-26812

    we do not need to prove that the song belongs to malaysia for the simple reason that we NEVER claim that the song belongs to malaysia. now why only indonesia need to prove, right? the reasons are:-
    1) its indonesian who accused MTB of stealing, in order to prove malaysia did stealed, indonesia must prove the song belongs to indonesia, right?
    2) indonesia claimed the song belongs to them, as malaysia never claim like this, its indonesia lah who need to prove

    please dont kidding me by saying whoever that talk about laws etc, hes playing the devil’s advocate??? i dont see the logics behind this lah!!! all lawyers and judge in the whole world are playing the devil’s advocate? God talked about laws etc in Quran and Bible, playing devil’s advocate too?
    if analogies made by triedtobehonest and smata&s sgt tepat, why easily i can prove that they are not? Please lah emma, substantiate and no need to become so emotional okay? Cheers 🙂


  20. saya setuju dengan emma, ini bukan masalah emosi, tapi kamarul sendiri yg mengakui bahwa itu lagi dari Ambon, namun tidak mau mengakui bahwa penggunaan untuk komersial tanpa memberitahu/meminta izin dari pemiliknya
    sama dengan mencuri, benar2 pemikiran seperti anda hanya mau menang sendiri tanpa melihat kenyataan.
    saya salut deh, pada anda yg telah mengakui bahwa lagu tsb dari Maluku tapi tidak mau mengaku, juga pemerintah malaysia yg bisa mendidik manusia seperti anda, “mengakui itu bukan miliknya tapi memakainya tanpa izin bukan mencuri ”

    selamat berdebat deh 🙂


  21. It seems that Malaysian Government trying really really hard to invite Indonesians into an open war.

    First the Rasa sayange song, then the Indang Sungai Garinggiang, and now… the Barongan….

    I admit yes, Indonesian will again be ignored by Malaysian people and government, if the Indonesians try to demand admition from the malaysian that the art show is originated from Ponorogo, Indonesia.

    I feel it is a new kind of imperialism. Malaysia is playing a very hot fire ball here. And I’m no in such mood to argue the Malaysians in any level of intelligence.
    Because the Malaysians are so ignorant.

    It hurts so bad when your idea is stolen by people who are so rich that they can publish to the world that the idea is theirs.

    Malaysians can argue us Indonesians because thay are so well educated. But it is too bad that they developed their brain so advance so they forgot to exercise their hearts and feelings, especially the feeling of SHAME.

    We Indonesians are not highly educated, but we have higher sense of art and sense of beauty than the malaysians. That is also why we are so irritated when the Malaysians without any permition claim our wealth of culture as theirs.

    The Malaysians thinks that what we call as (normally-unregistered) richness of culture is a free-content that anyone can take and use.

    The Indonesians , I think, never mind if the Malaysian want to entertain themselves with Indonesian original culture. But it HURTS when they claim that the culture and arts is THEIRS

    That is an act of disrespect to intelectual-right. Although the Indonesians can never sue the malaysians because the culture and traditions are not registered or petented.

    But then who ever patent a traditions? Malaysia maybe the first. But unfortunately the culture that malaysians patent are not originally their idea.

    That is why I think Malaysia is trying really really hard to invite Indonesians onto an open war.

    I love peace, I really do. But a wise man once said, ” If you love peace, you must always ready to battle ”

    Enough with the harassment, enough with the humiliation, enough with Malaysia.

    You want a war…. We’ll give you one.

    Unspun, sorry about the emotionally-tone words. I use them because the intellectually-tone words seem hard to be understood by the Malaysians.


  22. “Vis pacem parabellum”

    it was pope urban, i think. but i dont think he was really wise. he spawned 1000 years wars over a shared heritage


  23. Kamarul.. Don’t be a hypocrite. and dont be a fool. You are a medicine student, for God sake.

    Compare those two case, the rasa sayange and the indang sungai garinggiang fiasco.

    Don’t you ever think that your MTB use the rasa sayange not because the song is a folksong, but because the Malaysian government never cared whose song it was as now proved with the indang sungai garinggiang case?

    And if you don’t feel morally responsible by what your government did, that means you don’t have a sense of nationality.

    If Indonesia and Malaysia really get into a war, I will try my best to find you in the battle field… I will stab you with a “keris”, cover your body with “batik” and sing “rasa sayange” on your dead body.


  24. gosh tommy joe, easy bro. kamarul is busy somewhere, hes nowhere around here.

    I know, i know, its a chronic problem… but war? stab with keris? those are just too much.

    calm down…


  25. Hey, you guys have completely lost touch of what I’ve written a long time ago. The fact that the Indoesians have migrated over to Malaysia to be re-named “Malays” fully explain the “import” with them, their respective cultures. This extremely petty cutural “war” is very resounding of the China vs. Taiwan “war” still being fought till today over what is Malaysian and what is Indonesian.

    So when you have “ex-Indoesians” (read a Malays) claiming ownership of a song, you can’t help but wonder who really the Malays are. Try this, if the Maluku “Malays” who reside in Malaysia claim that it is their song, then they are absolutely right. But if the Javanese (who constitute to 75% of the Peninsular “Malays”) claim that it is their “song” then, they have serious identity issues.

    The simplest resolve, is that the Malaysian Government needs to admit to the very simple fact that they are in fact Indonesian Migrants, and brought their folk song(s) and cultures with them (circa less than 100years ago). Would UTANO have the “balls” to do that?

    Someone please tell them, I have to go back to Singapore tomorrow immediately after my meeting with the Menteri Besar of Selangor today at his office.

    Me? Tell him? nah… he’s too busy giving “The Golden Broom Awards” to the entire Selangor State Government Employees to worry about his ancestry.

    Truly Asia needs to receive the Broom Award?



  26. His sudah lah !!!! sudah lah !!!! apa gaduh gaduh, jangan ikut emosi hal kecil-kecil pun mau gaduh satu dunia. banyak lagi masalah negara anda yang perlu ditangani. ini soal lagu lah tarian lah ….banyak juga lagu di dunia ini yang kita pakai dan persembahkan dalam apa-apa acara dan majlis tanpa ada bantahan dari orang lain kerana niat nya bukan untuk memiliki atau mencuri tetapi hanya untuk memeriahkan suasana. sudah lah banyak lagi lagu dari malaysia yang disadurkan oleh indonesia tapi tanpa bantahan apa pun dari malaysia kerana beranggapan kita serumpun dan sudah tentu ada asimilasi dalam bangsa kita.
    janganlah menyalahkan pemerintah malaysia seolah-oleh mereka tiada bangsa dan budaya. mereka pun macam anda semua dari pelbagai etnikyang merantau ke Malaysia beratus tahun lalu. jadi hentikan semua benda mengarut ni. bawa bertenang dan muhasabah diri.


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